Date: Sat, 19 Feb 94 03:59:58 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #178 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Sat, 19 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 178 Today's Topics: Data connection by radio? DJ-580 UHF receive ragne EOSS Balloon Flight In Denver Hawaiian 2m repeaters? Iambic keyer paddles ICOM IC-28 series mods needed John Ramsey Nude QSL cards VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 18 February Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 17 Feb 1994 16:34:48 -0500 From:!! Subject: Data connection by radio? To: I would like to know if anyone has tried establishing a data link by ham radio... I am not a ham now, but would be interested in haveing a system by which I could keep in contact with the net in my car with a laptop. If I could do this, I assume I could just as easily also have a mobile telephone. (Yes, i'm too cheap for a cell phone :) Thanks for the advice - -- W. Robert Nelson ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 13:26:54 GMT From:!!usc!!hookup!ukma!!! Subject: DJ-580 UHF receive ragne To: In article <2k0u9l$bj9@jethro.Corp.Sun.COM>, ruentien@maverick.Corp.Sun.COM (Ruentien Lu) writes: |> hi, guys: |> |> I recently purchase a ALINCO DJ-580, it is a great radio. The quality of audio is great. I have no complaint about this rig. |> I got one question here, the menu stated the receive range for UHF is from 430 to 470 Mhz, but what I found is that I can make it from 400 to 520 Mhz. I didn't make any modification on this rig, I don't know this is misinformed on menu? or ..... |> Any answer will be appreciated!! |> |> |> PS. I don't have call-sign yet, just pass the test last week. |> It will DISPLAY up to 520, but you will note that after about 487 the decimal point disappears, meaning that the PLL will not lock and you will not actually receive anything. It will also display down to 810 but will not lock below about 860. The 487 and 860 numbers depend on the individual radio, but that is what mine does. Bye... -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tom Bodoh - Sr. systems software engineer, Hughes STX, N0YGT + + USGS/EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, USA 57198 (605) 594-6830 + + Internet; ( + + "Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends!" EL&P + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 22:37:50 GMT From: cns! Subject: EOSS Balloon Flight In Denver To: For Followups to this post check the newsgroup Edge of Space Sciences, Inc. (EOSS) is a non-profit organization comprised of individuals interested in the use of high altitude balloon flights to offer an experimental platform for students and other experimenters. The group has a very high level of participation by amateur radio operators, however, this is NOT a requirement for membership and participation. EOSS has flown 14 successful flights over the past few years. We regularly fly amateur television, and a suite of atmospheric sensors. Other experimental payloads have included, GPS and LORAN-C for a comparison of their accuracy. Homebrew differential GPS on the same flight. Students of Coloraro University at Boulder (CU) created their own differential system using a gps receiver at a KNOWN location, and calculated the offsets themselves, allowing the GPS vs. LORAN-C comparison greater accuracy. EOSS hosted last year's "National Balloon Symposium" in Denver Colorado. People from more than 10 states, and Canada were in attendance as well as some of the commercial providers of equipment used in our "hobby". We plan to fly EOSS-15 soon and here is our general information release about this flight. If you have any questions about the flight or EOSS please use email to my address (sig file at bottom). EOSS-15 FLIGHT PROFILE LAUNCH SITE: Thunder Ridge Middle School Picadilly and Smokey Hill Rd. Aurora, Colorado, USA latitude 39.61195 deg North longitude 104.75050 deg West (The lat/lon is actually for a location within 1 mile of launch point. I haven't been to the launch site to take an accruate fix yet.) LAUNCH DATE: February 26,1994 LAUNCH TIME: 1600 UTC (Set up 1400 UTC) Launch time subject to FAA approval ON-BOARD EXPERIMENT: Conducted by Cherry Creek High School. PURPOSE: To measure the various levels of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation at various altitudes. SHUTTLE FREQUENCIES: Packet: 144.340 ATV: 426.250 CW Beacon: 147.555 Carries the call of WB4ETT There will be a HF net run by Sparky\ KA0DPC on 7.232 MHz (phone). And the FOXHUNTER'S will coordinate on the Colorado Repeater Association's repeater 147.225 MHz (+600kHz). This will also be used for some local information during the flight. Thanks in advance to the Colorado Repeater Association for the use of their repeater. REMARKS: Edge of Space Sciences will provide the platform for Cherry Creek High School and Thunder Ridge Middle School to study the lower atmosphere. Cherry Creek H.S. students have modified a geiger counter to meet the EOSS interface specifications which will measure the alpha, beta, and gamma levels of radiation vs. altitude. The experiment will gather data that should interest local NASA and NOAA officials. Thunder Ridge M.S. students will make graphs that will help them understand the temperature vs. altitude and balloon dynamics by graphing the ascent and descent rate of the balloon. The project will be presented at this years Denver, News 4 Education Exposition at the Colorado Convention Center on March 11,12,13 1994. More information about the EXPO can be obtained from EOSS. Sponsorship for this flight and Education Exposition have been provided by: Olde Antenna Lab Dave Clingerman (W6OAL) 4725 W. Quincy Num 1014 Denver, CO 80236 303-798-5926 303-498-3820 for his: 70 cm ATV Candelabra Antenna GPS Wheel Antenna Financial support in Sponsoring EOSS at the KCNC Expo AT&T for their: Financial support in Sponsoring EOSS at the KCNC Expo SUBMITTED on packet BY: Brian Thomas\N0VSA ground station co-lead N0VSA@W0GVT.#NECO.CO.USA.NOAM relayed to internet by: Rick von Glahn -- Internet (preferred) 74620,637 -- Compuserve N0KKZ@W0GVT.#NECO.CO.USA -- packet radio ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 09:30:08 GMT From: news.Hawaii.Edu!uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! Subject: Hawaiian 2m repeaters? To: In article <2k16tj$> (Jim Garver) writes: >In article (Jason J. Hanson) writes: >>I'll be in Hawaii (on Maui and in Honolulu) from March 25-April 6 and was >>wondering if anyone could provide some advice as to good 2m repeaters... > >When I was over there in Sept. about 2 years ago, I didn't hear much >repeater activity on 2 meters at all. I visited Big Island and Oahu. >I did find some highly unusual activity on 2 meter simplex in Honolulu. >Be sure to scan the whole band for this stuff. I'm only on HF but let me try to give you some frequencies from memory: Honolulu City Hall: 146.98 (Oahu County Civil Defense / RACES) Waianae (West Oahu) 146.84 (ARES) Diamond Head 147.07 (or 09) Diamond Head 147.28 plus at least a dozen more but that should get you started. There's actually a statewide system set up - linked via microwave. The guys on the above machines will be able to give you more frequencies. Make sure you bring an umbrella - we've just had a solid week of tropical thunderstorm activity - 8 inches of rain fell within a 6 hour period and was it ever cold: 78 degrees during the day, and only 68 at night - brrrrr - had to start using a blanket at night. 73, Jeff NH6IL ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 19:38:55 +0000 From: agate!!pipex!demon!! Subject: Iambic keyer paddles To: I am left handed but I normally send with my right hand, regardless of whether I am using a straight key or an iambic keyer. I can switch to my left hand if I want without having to rewire the keyer. Having said that, on the rare occasion I get to use CW now, I tend to loaf along at <20wpm - perhaps at higher speed the left hand would go wrong. Dave -- ***************************************************************************** * G4WRW @ GB7WRW.#41.GBR.EU AX25 * Start at the beginning. Go on * * Internet * until the end. Then stop. * * Amprnet * (the king to the white rabbit) * ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 16:07:18 GMT From: psinntp!relay1!rsvl_ns!ernie!! Subject: ICOM IC-28 series mods needed To: In article writes: >From: >Subject: Re: ICOM IC-28 series mods needed >Date: 12 Feb 94 03:26:30 GMT >Gary following is a transmit mod for the Icom 28. A friend tried it >and it works. > >By the way, the Icom 28 is very popular among the small fishing fleets >in California, as the transmit mod is very easy. Commerical fisherman >sometimes do a lot of bootlegging, in the hope that competing fleets >won't be listening in. > >73 from Leigh/KM6JE in Santa Barbara. >________________ >==== BOYAN Log to Disk, 08/03/93 at 03:08 ==== >From : GI4NDX @ GI4NDX >To : ICOM @ ALLUS >Date : 910908/1749 >Msgid : BF 125@GI4NDX, 1055@K6TZ $125_GI4NDX >Subject : IC28 MOD >Path : >K6IYK!KB6JES!KB6RAA!KA0WIN!N4UTO!WN4IIV!W1FJI!W1EOH!WB4RHO!K4RY!W4AP!W > >D4AGG!WD4PPF!N4WZL!K4BFT!WB4TTZ!GI4NDX > > >ICOM IC-28A AND IC-28H > >To make the IC-28 transmit 138-174 MHz, cut D21 (no retuning >required). D21 is a tiny glass diode standing on-end near the center >of the upper circuit board, accessible by removing the top cover. The >IC-28 is the only convertible ham rig I know that covers the 170-MHz >federal government (including national park) frequencies. > >[source: W9MKV] > > > > > > END <<< MSG #1055 >>> on >K6TZ BBS. >(Original MSG #125 from GI4NDX @ GI4NDX. filed on 910908/1749) > FWIW, when I modified my IC-28 for MARS use, instead of just cutting the diode, I ran it through a switch and a subminiature LED so that I could avoid accidentally transmitting where I shouldn't. The LED lights whenever the rig is set to transmit outside 14x MHz. 73, Bill. Bill Powers WY0Q UNISYS Corp. MS 4033 Phone: [612] 635-5267 P.O. Box 64942 FAX: [612] 635-7523 St. Paul, MN 55164-0942 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 21:05:34 GMT From:!!!usc!!hookup!!direct! Subject: John Ramsey To: Dana Myers (myers@cypress.West.Sun.COM) wrote: : What other newsgroup should we discuss this in? How about alt.revenge.vendetta.character.assassination.hurt.Ramsey' : a good business does not berate customers in the presence of other : customers. Are you suggesting this is not true? * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ Dana, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and for the sake of this discussion, accept what you have said as true... that John Ramsey berated Jeff Gold in a private telephone conversation with you. Now who is the worst offender of common decency and professional ethics... one who berates an individual in a private telephone conversation or one who berates an individual in public on Internet? Seeking professional revenge for a personal insult seems like extreme overkill to me. I didn't understand until you told me just now that Jeff was complaining about a personal problem rather than a transceiver. In my opinion, the only objective question to be answered here is, does Ramsey make a resonable transceiver for the money? The votes are obviously split and the free market will decide the answer. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 19:35:07 +0000 From: agate!!pipex!demon!! Subject: Nude QSL cards To: The subject brings a whole new dimension to the phrase 'Have you got all my details' as heard in contests :-) I bet the cards aren't as bad as some of the SSTV pictures often emanating from Italy....... Dave -- ***************************************************************************** * G4WRW @ GB7WRW.#41.GBR.EU AX25 * Start at the beginning. Go on * * Internet * until the end. Then stop. * * Amprnet * (the king to the white rabbit) * ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 94 08:31:25 GMT From: agate!!!caen!!infinet!n8emr! Subject: VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 18 February To: ============================================================== | Automatic relayed from packet radio via | | N8EMR's Ham BBS, 614-895-2553 | ============================================================== SB DX @ WW $RTDX0218 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 18 February VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 18 February 1994 (BID RTDX0218) Really we must say that 3Y0PI is the DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR '94 and our congratulations go to the all the crew for having shown to all of us a real example of wonderful operation under severe conditions. Was excited, during my qso, to see on the screen Luciano, Luciano, Luciano, 599 599 from 3Y0PI. Tnx Tony, WA4JQS and Luis, XE1L for the outstanding effort repairing rtty gear. Our thanks this week go to ZS5S, W2JGR, WB2CJL, 9X5LJ, I5ICY, I5IGQ and IK5PWJ Packet Cluster, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX Cluster node DB0SPC, the NJ0M node of the Twin Cities. Bandpass: Friday 11 0141-14090 V31JU 0644-14087 6W6JX 0649-14085 AH3D QSL JA1HGY see note 0701-14085 UT5RP 1505-14087 RA2FB 1837-21083 ZD7DP 1936-14086 CN8NP 2008-14082 V31JU 2050-14095 C91J 2145-14089 CX3ABE Saturday 12 0018-14084 VP8WA 0641-14085 AH3D 0702-21070 Z21HS ARQ 0745-14085 SV5BYP 0840-14084 6W6JX 0854-21083 ZD7DP 1007-14084 SU1AH 1019-21070 7Q7LA ARQ 1335-14084 UN7LR 1338-14088 OD5PL 1309-14082 ER1PE 1351-14089 J28JJ 1409-14083 S50C 1534-21087 ZS9A 1552-21090 TZ6FIC 1602-21087 FG5FI 1635-21088 HH2PK 1716- 7037 EZ5AA 1746-21083 5R8DG 1843-21085 ZD7SM 2139-21091 AH6JF 2215-14082 3Y8PI QSL KA6V 2234-14083 FY5FJ Sunday 13 0251- 3577 HH2PK 0516- 7039 HH2PK 0634-14087 EZ5AA 0640-14088 5B4VX 0816-21083 EZ5AA 0948-14084 TA5C 0959-21089 OD5PL 1044-28082 EZ5AA 1144-21085 4X6UO 1325-14087 YL3FW 1327-14083 S51DX 1336-21088 HH2PK 1405-14082 SV9ABG 1429-21086 PJ9JT 1435-21084 HP1AC 1440-14082 KG4CW 1436-21087 YI1AL 1438-21084 CP1FF 1522-21085 ZD7DP 1529-28087 9H1ET 1550-21090 FG5FI 1624-14081 J28JJ 1711-14084 HP1XVI 1919-21087 9J2HN Monday 14 0243-14082 3Y0PI 2143-14087 FG5GH Tuesday 15 0624-14085 C91AI 1445-14083 WP4Q Wednesday 16 0800-14082 EA6NB 1455-21088 CU1AC 1512-14087 UT5DX 1548-14084 3A2LZ 1605-14087 EA8/ON8RI Thursday 17 0845-14086 OM2GI 0850-14082 YL1ZE 0907-14085 UR0VS 1725-14086 S92ZM Notes of Interest ST. PETER & PAUL ZY0. The operators on the Feb. 7th had severe problems with both generators. Fault was located on the kick-off cables which could not be repaired due to lack of suitable tools. They had to run on battery with about 10 watts until Feb. 14. AH3D/KH0 Activity. Members of the International DX Golf Tournament have been active from 9 to 13 February as AH3D/KH0. While the SSB spot were reporting that call sign on RTTY no mention of /KH0 ?? BELIZE, V3. Large activity is expected from this country. Look for V31PP from 19 Feb to 12 March on all bands SSB and RTTY. Another operation is planned from Sigi, DL7UUO from 20 Feb. to March 3rd using V31UO on SSB, CW, RTTY and PACTOR. GEORGIA, 4L. Piero, IK2BHX is now in Tiblisi as 4L1HX and will be there for a year. He promised RTTY activity soon. QSL via IK2MRZ. Send your bandpass and notes for next week to Bob, WB2CJL @ W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA or WB2CJL @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF. GL de (DX2) Luciano, I5FLN @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 09:57:37 GMT From: news.Hawaii.Edu!uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! To: References <2k2r9g$>, , <2k4hh4$> Subject : Re: Jeff Gold In article <2k4hh4$> (Jesse L Wei) writes: .......... >the same as the dictionary definition. By the way, my dictionary also has >"4. a mysterious quality of enchantment: e.g. the magic of the distant past." > >I only hope you're arguing (well maybe just contradicting) just for the >sake of doing so. If not, I'd be somewhat doubtful about your eloquence >in public speaking. People, especially writers, tend to use anologies ^^^^^^^^^ As long as you've got that dictionary open....... Jeff NH6IL ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 09:45:34 GMT From: news.Hawaii.Edu!uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! To: References <2k2r9g$>, , <2k49diINNmp0@abyss.West.Sun.COM>± Subject : Dana Myers (was: Jeff Gold (was: John Ramsey)) In article <2k49diINNmp0@abyss.West.Sun.COM> myers@pongo.West.Sun.COM (Dana Myers ) writes: > ............................. >You're missing the point entirely! Either that or you refuse to see it. >The "Jeff Gold" post was intentionally insulting and inflammatory, and >it completely flies in the face of your earlier statement that Jeff >Gold is "less than human". Attacking Jeff Gold because you don't >like his postings *doesn't* belong on, it >would be fine in alt.flame, where it seems many hams won't go have >the flame fests but should. Does anyone else see the irony in this last statement? ``Physician - heal thyself.'' Jeff NH6IL ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 1994 08:10:12 GMT From: agate!!wupost!!cec2! To: References , <2k2r9g$>, Subject : Re: Jeff Gold Cecil Moore ( wrote: : Jesse L Wei ( wrote: : : Seems pretty magical to me. -jesse : "magic - the pretended art of producing marvelous results by compelling the : aid of spirits, or by using the secret forces of nature." OK, Jesse, let's : see some of those spirits and/or secret forces of nature. connotation is different than denotation. Common usage is not necessarily the same as the dictionary definition. By the way, my dictionary also has "4. a mysterious quality of enchantment: e.g. the magic of the distant past." I only hope you're arguing (well maybe just contradicting) just for the sake of doing so. If not, I'd be somewhat doubtful about your eloquence in public speaking. People, especially writers, tend to use anologies and a measure of literary freedom to keep reading material from getting banal. Oh gosh, look where this thread has lead. A silly argument! --jesse (maybe I should resist the temptation to keep defending my ideas and let the thread die) OK I concede this thread to you. But just remember that not everybody has your position on this matter. Especially me. And maybe Gold. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 1994 07:54:04 GMT From: agate!!wupost!!cec2! To: References <2jqu8k$>, <2jr13kINNkbv@abyss.West.Sun.COM>, Subject : Re: Ramsey slams ARRL (was Re: RAMSEY FX TRANSCEIVER) Cecil Moore ( wrote: : Dana Myers (myers@pongo.West.Sun.COM) wrote: : : If you have any kind of trouble with Ramsey kits, you run the risk of : : being slandered. * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ : Slander has a legal definition. It is next to impossible to slander someone : during a private telephone conversation. It is very easy to commit slander : on Internet. Statements that can't be proven resulting in monitary loss is : all one needs to prove slander. Who did you say got slandered? I'm not a legal expert here but, who ever said monitary loss is necessary for slander to occur? _American Heritage Dictionary_: slander n. 1. Law. The utterance of defamatory statements injurious to the reputation or well-being of a person. 2. A malicious statement or report. Now again, like guilt, slander is not something that has to be proven to be existant. Tonya Harding (sorry, I've been following rec.skate) is frequently said to be "innocent until proven guilty." This doesn't mean that if she's innocent the court can make her guilty. It can say she's innocent or guilty but can't change the reality of her actions (or lack thereof). Slander, likewise, isn't only existant if it is legally proven. It happens if it happens. Whether somebody can get compensation for being the victim is another matter altogether. Now I'd say that (at least from past and recent postings) Ramsey hasn't exactly lived up to the expectation for his products. Now somebody saying that he was not happy with somebody else's product is entitled to that opinion. Whether or not you decide to take this opinion is another matter altogether. I don't know both sides of the story here, but from what I've seen, both Jeff and Ramsey have uttered some measure of slander --however, it seems to me that Ramsey's was unnecessary and done out of irrationality. MHO, jesse ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 21:13:58 GMT From:!!!usc!!hookup!!direct! To: References , , <2jutgl$> Subject : Re: John Ramsey Gregory Lapin ( wrote: : To those who are Ramsey proponents, DID YOU PUT THE THING ON A SPECTRUM : ANALYZER BEFORE PUTTING IT ON THE AIR? Sure did. : If so, what did you see? Greg Lapin KD9AZ It met FCC specs, if that is what you mean. I made a couple of minor improvements while I was building it so I don't know what it looked like before the improvements. A friend of mine built one that didn't work. Most of the component leads were about 1/2 inches long. Told him to go lick his calf over again. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 06:29:50 GMT From: news.Hawaii.Edu!uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! To: References , , ã Subject : Re: John Ramsey In article (Cecil Moore) writes: >Jeff Herman (jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu) wrote: > >: Jeff got his point across - we understood what he said quite >: clearly, and I don't think anyone (except you) cares how he said it: > >Seems like a statement of what's wrong with this country... nobody cares, >(except me). I wonder if Elmering will survive? > >: Oh, by the way: I am a mathematics lecturer - isn't `lecturer' a thing >: just like `liar'. Jeff NH6IL > >Jeff, Sometimes 'lecturers' are like 'liars'. :-) I like teachers better. >If it makes you happy, please edit "thing" into "bad-thing" or "xxx". >How come I can't reply to you? jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu bounced. > >73, Cecil, > Because we had 8 inches of rain in 6 hours - internet became interiorwet! We have 3 UNIX mainframes here - unix3 doesn't like to let in anything from the outside - just drop the `3'. Now, have you, Cecil, or anyone else, built any of Ramsey's HF QRP xmtrs? For $30 I might get one of those pup's for 20M (but from what I hear I think a low pass filter might be in order). 73, Jeff NH6IL ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #178 ******************************